GTL Updates
Congratulations Dr. Hur!
On October 4th, In Young Hur successfully defended his thesis entitled Forced Response System Identification of Full Aero-Engine Rotordynamic Systems. Congratulations!!
Now Dr. Hur will be working as engineering consultant in Exponent. He will be greatly missed in the Gas Turbine Lab, and we wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors!
Congratulations, Laurens!
Laurens Voet, a third-year Ph.D. student in the Gas Turbine Laboratory and the Laboratory for Aviation and Environment, was recently awarded the Luis de Florez Graduate Award! This award is in recognition and support of his work on the environmental impacts of supersonic transport.
Thank you, Yamashita-san!
Yamashita-san participated in the weekly meetings of the boundary layer ingestion (BLI) project. He has provided insightful comments and suggestions about the research and helped the team gain a better understanding of industrial needs at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI). He also coordinated communication between the GTL and MHI, which facilitated progress of the BLI project. He brought MHI’s philosophy to the GTL and expanded everyone’s perspectives. Thank you, Yamashita-san!