Evrard Constant

Research Assistant


Evrard is from Paris, France. He earned a Diplôme d’Ingénieur (Engineering Diploma) from CentraleSupélec. As an undergraduate student, he participated in a project led by the French National Center for Space Studies (CNES) and ArianeGroup, focused on designing a reusable rocket probe. In 2023, he completed an internship in a missile test facility for the French Department of Defense. Before joining GTL, he interned in the R&D engine department of Safran Aircraft Engines, where he developed a reduced-order aerothermal method for turbofan engine design. In his spare time, Evrard enjoys sailing on the Charles River and playing tennis.


Evrard is currently pursuing a S.M. in Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Gas Turbine Laboratory (GTL). His research focuses on developing a 1-megawatt electrical motor to enable hybrid propulsion in aviation. His interest lies in aircraft engine design, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer.



Joseph Chiapperi


Kazuki Tojo